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Eastern Highway Specialists is in the process of completing the Maryland Transit Administration’s Repairs to Freight Rail Structures Statewide contract. This project consists of rehabilitating 12 bridges on active and inactive freight rail lines that are spread throughout the state of Maryland. The work includes grout bag slope protection, steel plating repairs, girder stiffener repairs, bearing shimming, railroad bridge timber cross tie replacement, steel girder painting, overhead bridge deck spall repairs, bearing pedestal repairs, fence installation, and bridge railing repairs. The contract will be ongoing until June of 2023.

Company President Bob Field, Foreman Chris Leigh and Delaware Secretary of Labor Karryl Hubbard

EHS was proud to receive the 2021 Governor's Safety award at the Delaware Contractor's Association banquet on April 28th. This is the 10th consecutive year we have received this award, at testament to our relentless focus on safety.


This award honors those firms emphasizing safety while bringing distinction, skill and integrity to the construction industry. The Governor’s Safety Awards are co-sponsored by the State of Delaware’s Department of Labor and the Delaware Contractors Association.

To be eligible for consideration, companies must have an incident rate at or below the industry average for their business. EHS competes in the category – Heavy/Highway-SIC Code 16.

One of Eastern Highway Specialists core competencies is the repair of historic concrete structures. On that note, located in the Wilmington area are the remains of Victorian Era Brandywine Springs Park. From 1886 until closing in 1923, the park was a major source of recreation for Wilmington area residents, often drawing 20,000 people per day.

Dam located at upper left of lake

In January we were tasked by New Castle County with repairing deteriorated buttresses in the dam in the lake area. At the time this dam was built in the 1800s construction did not utilize steel reinforcement. We also did hydrophobic grout crack sealing to stop numerous water leaks so as to preserve the dam for another hundred years.

© 2020 Eastern Highway Specialists

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