San Martin Drive Pedestrian Bridge, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Deck panels prior to application of finishing material
Eastern Highway Specialists has completed construction of this unique pedestrian bridge on the campus of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Johns Hopkins University announced plans to rehabilitate San Martin Drive in January of 2015, which included the establishment of this pedestrian pathway spanning along the west side of San Martin Drive. The resulting bridge created a pathway from the University’s Earth Sciences building, Olin Hall, to the San Martin Center.
The goal of the project was to improve pedestrian safety and aesthetics of San Martin Drive, a historical part of the JHU Homewood Campus. The construction area was located in a preserved forest, which demanded extra care during the bridge erection process. EHS, working as a subcontractor to Towson-based construction firm Whiting-Turner, completed the pedestrian bridge on schedule. EHS proved its ability to operate efficiently in highly sensitive ecological zones during this project.